Domain 5 Concept Acceptance

In this domain, interview has carried out to 3 interviewees.
What I learned in domain 5....
The background of interviewee is one of the factor influenced the answers.
How to select an interviewee.
How to ask questions to ensure those information able to be obtained.
Our group planned the target market is college student and young adults.
So, 3 interviewees are from uni students.
but they have different background in term of their races, nationality and the course they study.
From the result, I learned that they have different preference and lvl of acceptance even though they are uni students and around same age.
Different people have different point of view.
They also give different ranking to the 5 revised alpha concepts.
The questions we asked have obtained most of the data.
moreover, the reaction from interviewees are important too.
From the videos, the reaction or body language speak thousand words
Even though a simple sentences, if without the reaction or voice record, we may not able to fully understand the meaning.


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